Combinación de selva y rafting

Este viaje de tres días le ofrece una fantástica mezcla de actividades y lo mejor que la selva puede ofrecer. Los dos primeros días estarán llenos de experiencias inolvidables en la selva tropical más grande del mundo, y pasará las noches como un lugareño más: charlando alrededor de una hoguera, escuchando los sonidos de la selva y durmiendo en nuestras cabañas. El último día, regresaremos en rafting hacia Tena, terminando el viaje con un emocionante paseo por el río Jatun Yacu.

¡Los rápidos fueron intensos y muy divertidos! Hicimos rappel en cuatro pequeñas cascadas, lo cual fue emocionante. Terminamos el día en una hermosa poza. También hicimos un paseo en bote alrededor de una laguna por la que habíamos caminado y pudimos ver algunos monos.


  • Transporte a las cabañas y el viaje de vuelta a Tena
  • Dos días completos de actividades en la selva
  • Un día completo de rafting (se incluye todo el equipo, el kayak de seguridad y las fotos)
  • Dos noches en las cabañas
  • Guía local
  • Botas de goma para las caminatas en la selva

Que llevar

  • Bañador o short
  • Camiseta para protegerse del sol (se recomienda una camiseta de manga larga)
  • Calzado para el agua
  • Ropa ligera (se recomienda pantalón largo)
  • Objetos personales
  • Linterna
  • Botella para el agua
  • Toalla
  • Crema para el sol
  • Repelente para mosquitos
  • Ropa de cambio


Salida de nuestra oficina 08h30, Raft Amazonia. Nos dirigiremos a Misahualli (un pueblo cerca de Tena) donde pararemos para disfrutar de los fascinantes monos jugando en arena.

Después de un pequeño paseo, llegaremos a la laguna Paikawe donde cogeremos una canoa a remo. En el lago, hay una cantidad enorme de vida salvaje para observar cómo los monos arañas, tamarindos y una gran variedad de pájaros.

Después de pasar un algún tiempo explorando el lago, iremos hacia la tierra y haremos una caminata por la embarrada selva. Su guía les contara mucho acerca de la vegetación que les rodea incluyendo las plantas medicinales que han sido usadas por las comunidades locales durante generaciones. También tendrás la oportunidad de ver uno de los árboles más enormes descubiertos en el área.

Remaremos de vuelta desde el lago, nos dirigiremos hacia la comunidad de Shiripuno para tomar un delicioso almuerzo tradicional cocinado por las mujeres locales. Seremos bienvenidos por la organización de mujeres de la comunidad indígena. Las personas locales le enseñaran sobre la cultura Kichwa, como por ejemplo como solían vestir, y les mostraran el baile y cante tradicional ¡es buena oportunidad para usted para practicar! Después, las mujeres mostrarán como hacer la chicha (una bebida antigua tradicional) y ¡podrán probarlo!

Finalmente, daremos un paseo por la zona que rodea las cabañas. También visitaremos una gran roca sagrada donde las señoritas explicaran el significado espiritual que tiene para las personas locales. Antes de que pase la oportunidad, hay una opción (no una obligación) para comprar algún producto artesanal o medicina tradicional, así que traiga algo de dinero si piensa comprar algún suvenir.

Cena y descanso

Desayuno 08h00. Nos despertaremos con el sonido de las aves y los ríos cerca de las cabañas. Alistamos nuestros equipos para una gran aventura en medio de la selva tenemos la oferta perfecta para ti. En el Parque Nacional de Llanganates, seguimos un arroyo a través de la selva y escalaremos 3 cascadas en la selva primaria. Retornamos a la cabaña para el delicioso almuerzo.

Después, de una siesta continuaremos con más aventura refrescándose en las aguas de una laguna. Luego de explorar continuamos visitando más lagunas con sus aguas muy cristalinas en la selva más altas del Parque Nacional. Retornamos a nuestra cabaña.

Cena y descanso.

Desayuno 08h00. Rafting clase 3 de 27km: El rio Napo es conocido localmente como el rio Jatun Yacu, que en la lengua kichwa se traduce como “agua grande”. Un viaje ideal tanto para principiantes como para expertos, con la combinación perfecta de rápidos, paisajes y selva ecuatoriana.

El guía encargado les dará la charla de seguridad que nos permitirá estar preparados y poder disfrutar al máximo de la gran aventura de Rafting.

Una vez que esté listo, ahora empieza el descenso de los primeros rápidos de los cuales, Pimpilala es uno de los más grandes. Después de esta primera ola de adrenalina, la diversión continua mientras atraviesas paredes de aguas bravas, explorando cañón escondido, te desplazas en silencio por los escarpados acantilados del rio y te das un baño en las refrescantes aguas. También unas pequeñas paradas en otros ríos para tomarnos unas fotos y luego continuar.

Un delicioso (lunch) a orillas del rio Jatun Yacu, recargamos energía y continuamos hasta llegar a Puerto Napo. Fin de aventura y retorno a la ciudad de Tena.

Reserve tu tour de combinación de selva y rafting

Frequently Asked Questions

Paddle Divider

Rafting, your health and experience level

What classes of rapids do you offer tours on, and how do you determine a participant’s suitability?

We offer tours on rapids ranging from Class 2 to Class 4. Children under 12 years old are limited to Class 2 tours. We recommend Class 4 tours only for experienced participants. Additionally, Class 4 rapids are not suitable for SUP.

How should I prepare for a day of white water SUP?

You should be well-rested and have had a good breakfast. Alcohol consumption before and during the tour is not permitted.

Are there any specific health requirements for participation?

The following requirements should be met:

  • Have a basic level of physical fitness to cope with the physical demands of the tour.
  • Be able to swim or at least have basic water skills.
  • Be free from serious health issues that could impair their ability to safely participate in the tour, such as heart problems, asthma, or epilepsy.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol or drugs before or during the tour, as this could impair reaction times and judgment.
  • Be willing to follow the guides’ instructions and adhere to safety precautions.

Payment Questions

How do I book a tour and what is the cancellation policy?

You can book directly through our online form. Alternatively, you can contact us via WhatsApp, and we’ll reserve the desired tour for you. Cancellations can be made up to 24 hours before the tour. If you cancel after this time, 50% of the cost will be refunded.

What payment options to do you accept?

We accept cash or transfers to an Ecuadorian bank account (transfer fees must be covered by you).

Are there any additional costs not included in the price?

Not included in the price are alcoholic beverages, souvenirs, and tips. For half-day tours, lunch is not included.


Are meals and refreshments included in the price? What are the dietary options?

For full-day tours, lunch and non-alcoholic beverages such as tea and water are included in the price. We always provide a vegetarian option as well. For half-day tours, only beverages are included.

Jungle Questions

What is the optimal clothing and equipment for the tour in the jungle?

In the jungle, it’s advisable to dress in long clothing to shield yourself from both insects and the sun’s rays. Apply insect repellent generously to both your skin and clothes, and don’t forget to use sunscreen. As rain is common in the rainforest, it’s wise to carry a rain cover. Don’t overlook the importance of staying hydrated during the tour; bring along a water bottle, which you can conveniently fill with water at our office. Additionally, we’ll provide you with rubber boots for the tour.

What animals and plants can we expect during the tour in the jungle?

During the tour in the secundary rainforest of Ecuador, you can expect to encounter a diverse array of plants and animals. Some common plants include towering trees like the Kapok tree and the Ceiba tree, lush ferns, orchids, and various species of palms. You may also come across medicinal plants like the Sangre de Drago (Dragon’s Blood) tree, which has healing properties.

As for animals, the rainforest is home to an abundance of wildlife. You might spot colorful birds such as toucans, parrots, and hummingbirds flitting among the trees. Keep an eye out for monkeys swinging through the canopy, including species like the capuchin, howler, and spider monkeys. Other potential sightings include various species of frogs, spinders and insects, as well as reptiles like snakes, lizards and caimans.

It’s important to remember that wildlife sightings can vary depending on factors like time of day, weather conditions, and the specific location of the tour.

Is there an age restriction for participating in the tour in the jungle?

There is no specific age restriction for our tours. However, please be advised that our tours are not suitable for individuals with strollers. It’s important to recognize that jungle tours can be physically demanding due to the challenging climatic conditions.

Are there any special behavioral rules for the tour in the jungle?

1. **Respect nature: Leave no trace and avoid disturbing wildlife and plants. Be mindful not to damage natural habitats.
2. **Follow the guides’ instructions: Listen to the guides and follow their recommendations regarding safety and behavior in the jungle.
3. **Stay on the trails: Stick to marked paths to avoid getting lost or disrupting the environment. Pay attention to warning signs and notices.
4. **Stay hydrated: Keep hydrated, especially in hot and humid environments like the jungle. Always carry a water bottle with you.
5. **Wear appropriate clothing and equipment: Dress according to the weather conditions and the requirements of the activity. Don’t forget to apply insect repellent and sunscreen.
6. **Stay with the group: Do not stray from the group and always maintain visual contact with other participants to avoid getting lost.
7. **Stay alert: Watch out for potential hazards such as steep slopes, slippery surfaces, or poisonous plants and animals.
8. **Respect culture and traditions: When interacting with local communities, respect their culture, traditions, and rules.
9. **Have fun: Enjoy nature and the adventure, but stay safe and responsible throughout the entire tour.

What happens on the day?

What languages do the guides speak?

Our guides speak Spanish and English.

How long is the tour and what is the daily schedule?

Typically, the tours start at 9:00 AM at our agency or at your accommodation in Tena. However, for private tours, the start time can be adjusted according to your preferences.

How do participants get to and from the starting point of the tour?

The tour includes transportation to the starting point and return to Tena via a private transport.

Where can I leave my belongings during the tour?

Your guide will be able to take small belongings in a dry bag and larger items can be left with the driver.

What should I bring with me on the tour?

You should bring the following items with you on the tour:

  • Swimsuit or shorts
  • T-shirt to protect you from the sun
  • Shoes for the water
  • Towel
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect repellent
  • Change of clothes

Can I bring my own equipment?

You can bring your own equipment. However, we do not accept liability for any damage or loss. Additionally, we cannot offer a price reduction.

Will I receive photographic memories during the tour?

Our safety kayaker will take photos during the tour, which you can then download for free.

Weather & Safety

What happens if the weather turns bad during the tour?

In the rainforest, rain is always a possibility. Tours proceed as scheduled regardless of rain. However, in the event of severe weather posing a danger to participants, the tour will be postponed, or refunds will be issued. If a Class 4 rafting tour cannot be conducted due to high water levels, a Class 3 tour will be offered instead, with the difference in cost refunded.

What safety measures are in place for your tours?

Before every tour, we provide a safety instruction. Additionally, wearing life jackets and helmets is mandatory. We comply with all safety requirements for equipment, and we always use new materials of the highest quality to ensure the safety of our participants.

What should be done in case of a medical emergency during the tour?

In the event of a medical emergency during the tour, our guides are trained to administer first aid and arrange transportation to the nearest medical facility. Our guides regularly attend first aid courses and always carry a first aid kit. Additionally, we have a private taxi available at all times for immediate access.

What should I do if I fall into the water during the tour?

Try not to stand up and instead, float on your back. Stay calm and follow the guides’ instructions closely.

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